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2Smauel 5 vs 1-5

1 Then all the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron and said, “Behold, we are your bone and your flesh. 2 “Previously, when Saul was king over us, you were the one who led Israel out and in. And the LORD said to you, ‘You will shepherd My people Israel, and you will be a ruler over Israel.”’ 3 So all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and King David made a covenant with them before the LORD at Hebron; then they anointed David king over Israel. 4 David was thirty years old when he became king, and he reigned forty years. 5 At Hebron he reigned over Judah seven years and six months, and in Jerusalem he reigned thirty-three years over all Israel and Judah (2 Samuel 5:1-5).

The Israelites are in the spotlight in verses 1-3. They are the ones who come to David in Hebron and are also the ones who recognize and anoint him as their king. Once we recognize that the people are the initiators, we should also recall the people were the initiators when Saul became their king. We really cannot grasp the significance of the submission of the Israelites to David as God’s king without seeing this event in comparison and contrast to 1 Kings 8-12, where the people demanded a king, and Saul was given to them as their first king.

You may remember that in 1 Samuel 8, Samuel is getting up in years, and his sons are certainly not ideal replacements for their father (8:1-3). His sons are dishonest, misusing their authority as judges in Beersheba. And so, in verse 4 of chapter 8, the elders of Israel come to Samuel, demanding that he give them a king, “to judge them, like all the nations” (8:5). Samuel is greatly distressed by the people’s demand, and God is displeased as well. They are not just rejecting Samuel as their judge, they are rejecting God as their King (8:7-8). Nevertheless, God instructs Samuel to warn them of the high price tag for having a king, and then to tell them they will indeed have their king. In chapters 9 and 10, Saul is designated and anointed as Israel’s first king. In chapter 11, Saul leads Israel in war against Nahash and the Ammonites, who have besieged Jabesh-gilead and threatened to humiliate all of its inhabitants by gouging out the right eye of each citizen (11:1-2). God gives Saul and Israel a great victory over the Ammonites, and the people are jubilant. They want to get their hands on those who looked down upon Saul and put them to death (11:12-13).

Samuel puts this whole matter into perspective in chapter 12. Israel’s demand for a king is a sin against God, for which a storm is sent to destroy their wheat crop (12:12-18). In one sense, this generation of Israelites is just like their forefathers. Opposition from foreign powers is a divine chastisement for Israel’s disregard of God’s laws. But in another sense, their sin of asking for a king is even greater than that of their forefathers. In the past, God sends Israel a deliverer in response to the nation’s repentance and cry for deliverance. In this case, there has been no repentance at all. They do not plead for deliverance; they demand a king. I believe Israel wants a deliverer without repentance, and they want a king so that future deliverances is assured as well. They want a king so that they will not have to trust in or obey God. When Samuel points this out and underscores it with a storm, the people repent.

Samuel then gives the people a promise:

13 “Now therefore, here is the king whom you have chosen, whom you have asked for, and behold, the LORD has set a king over you. 14 “If you will fear the LORD and serve Him, and listen to His voice and not rebel against the command of the LORD, then both you and also the king who reigns over you will follow the LORD your God. 15 “If you will not listen to the voice of the LORD, but rebel against the command of the LORD, then the hand of the LORD will be against you, as it was against your fathers” (1 Samuel 12:13-15).

24 “Only fear the LORD and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you. 25 “But if you still do wickedly, both you and your king will be swept away” (1 Samuel 12:24-25).

I wish to note here is the connection Samuel makes between the people and their king. Both the people and their king must trust and obey God. If they do not, then God will chasten them. If they do, then God will bless them. I believe Samuel is indicating to us that the people will get the kind of king they want, and that they deserve. God gives the people a king like Saul because he is just like them. He rebels against God’s Word, just as the people do. He falls short of fully obeying God, just as they do. In the case of 1 Samuel 8-12, the people demand a king, for all the wrong reasons. I believe now that the sins of Samuel’s sons was merely a pretext, and that their real reasons for demanding a king were far less noble than “justice.” In 1 Samuel 12:12, Samuel informs the people that their real reason for demanding a king is fear of Nahash, who is advancing against Israel. They want a king to lead them in war and give them victory over their enemies. They want a deliverer like Samson, not a deliverer like Samuel. Samuel strips aside the sham and hypocrisy to expose the sin of Israel, which makes them worthy of a king like Saul.

But when we come to 2 Samuel 5, we see a distinct change. The change is not just that from a pathetic king like Saul to a patriot and leader like David; the change is also evident in the people. I have a confession to make at this point. Up until now, I have felt unkindly toward the Israelites. I have been standing on the sidelines of this story with my hands on my hips, impatiently tapping my foot. As I read verses 1-5 of chapter 5, I find myself thinking, “Well, its about time!” I have changed my mind, however. I now look differently upon the Israelites delay. Let me try to explain why this is so.

You will notice that there is no crisis here, no pressing danger, which forces the Israelite leaders to act. Saul is dead, along with his sons, including Ish-bosheth. But there is no Philistine attack, no Ammonite threat. The Philistines attack in response to hearing David is anointed king over all Israel (2 Samuel 5:17). The Israelite elders come to David while he is in Hebron, submitting themselves to him as God’s king. In 1 Samuel 8, they are rebelling against God as their King, but not here. Here, the Israelite leaders are acting out of obedience to God, not in rebellion against Him. The king they gain in David is, in some measure, the king they deserve. When they approach David, they acknowledge several vitally important truths, which are the basis for David’s kingship and thus their submission to him as their king.

(1) The Israelite leaders acknowledge their physical ties to David: “We are your bone and flesh . . . .”This is a very significant profession on the part of the Israelite elders. They acknowledge their essential unity, rooted in their common father, Jacob (whom God renamed Israel). They do not say to David, “You are one with us,” but rather, “We are one with you.” From the very beginning, there is a problem of unity among the sons of Jacob, as seen in their hatred of Joseph. Saul is of the tribe of Benjamin and David of the tribe of Judah. Abner certainly aggravates the friction between these two tribes and polarizes the rest. Now the Israelites are willing to see themselves as one nation, not two. This is key to David’s leadership of the whole nation. We only need to recall the words of the Israelites when this division recurs to see how important this unity is:

16 When all Israel saw that the king did not listen to them, the people answered the king, saying, “What portion do we have in David?

We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse; To your tents, O Israel! Now look after your own house, David!” So Israel departed to their tents (1 Kings 12:16).

(2) The Israelites recognize David’s leadership over them in the past, even while Saul was their king.When the people demand a king, they want a king who will “go out before them to fight their battles” (see 1 Samuel 8:19-20). Fundamentally, Saul defaults on his responsibility to lead Israel in battle, and it is David who does what they have sought in a king. It was not Saul who went up against Goliath, but David. It was not Saul who led Israel in battle, but David (at least a one of their commanders). The Israelite elders recognize David’s leadership in doing what a king is supposed to do. In effect, the elders of Israel are acknowledging that even when Saul was their king, David acted more like a king than he did. They are not choosing to follow an unknown commodity (as they do with Saul), but a man who has proven himself to be “a mighty man of valor, a warrior” (see 1 Samuel 16:18).

(3) The elders of Israel submit themselves to the Word of God as they recognize David as God’s choice for the next king of Israel. David has been publicly anointed as Israel’s next king (1 Samuel 16:1-13). Saul knows that David is to be Israel’s next king (1 Samuel 24:20), as do Abigail (1 Samuel 25:30), as do the Philistines (1 Samuel 21:11). All Israel has to know that David is the one God has designed to be king in Saul’s place (2 Samuel 3:9-10, 18). The Israelites are not surprised to learn that David is Israel’s next king; although they are a little slow to act on this revelation. When the elders of Israel come to David, it is in obedience to the revealed will of God. This is far better than their previous rebellion against God by demanding a king in 1 Samuel 8.

It is no surprise that when David is anointed (for the third time) as Israel’s king by these elders, it is done in the context of a covenant which is made with David before the Lord (2 Samuel 5:3). This is an act of obedience and faith. This is a far cry from the confrontation that we see between Samuel and Israel’s elders in 1 Samuel chapter 8. The reign of David is a reign of righteousness, due in part to the repentance and obedience of Israel and its leaders




From the 7Star General L.A. Lewis otherwise known as Helios 7 People say that Beenie Man has paid me J$10,000,000.00 to drop the court case against him ,it’s a lie,the only reason I drop the case is because I felt sorry for him,, so I simply pitied him and gave him his freedom as disgusting as he is. Everyone knows that I am kind, so if Beenie is not a sis-sis tell him to test me in lyrical battle now



MAN SHORTAGE AFFECTS CHURCHES – Christian women complain of lack of potential husbands

The shortage of men has become a growing problem in several Jamaican churches.

THE STAR understands that with some church population having as much as 80 per cent women, a large number of females have been left with a problem to find husbands.

This is a huge concern for a number of churches, with at least one reverend saying the shortage is at a crisis level.

Reverend Philbert Johnson, ministry development officer in the New Testament Church of God, said there is a serious shortage in the number of men in the church as women in their 30s and late 40s cannot find a suitable partner.

Johnson, a pastor at one of the Testament branches, said at that location he had approximately 300 members of which only 40 were men. He further said that approximately 20 of those are already married.

When asked if the church should allow men to have more than one woman as a possible solution to the problem, Johnson said: “That is a big no no, but just for a matter of debate, some church leaders are being forced to look at different options such as polygamy, stronger evangelism, a stronger focus on men, more incentives for men and a greater focus on family.”


10 years

One case of a female Christian who is finding it difficult to get a partner is 52-year-old Joan Williams who says she has been trying to find a husband in the church for over 10 years. “As a matter of fact, I am no longer searching, I am so use to my single life, I just work and go to church,” she said.

Williams, who had three children before becoming a Christian, further said; “Sometimes when you see other couples I might feel a little jealous but if I can’t find nobody, what should I do?”

In the case of 26-year-old Shanice Grey who has been a Christian for 14 years, she believes the church should not allow men to have more that one woman; even though she couldn’t find a partner in the church.

According to Grey, “The Bible is against adultery, I wouldn’t feel good to know that my partner is seeing somebody else because that man couldn’t love both of us. I am not married but I am in a relationship right now with a non-Christian. The dating thing inside the church didn’t work for me. When I got pregnant with my daughter, some persons in the church were disappointed but some persons were supportive,” she said.

She believes that it is a leadership problem that has caused the issues in the churches. “Some churches don’t have the activities to grab the men,” she said.


devoted christian

Similarly, 24-year-old bachelor Keron Grant, who has been a devoted Christian for the past four and a half years, is in agreement with his female counterparts and is against polygamy. Grant who is a member of the Mount Olivet Apostolic Church in Kingston explained to THE STAR that Christians should exercise patience and wait upon the Lord.

At the same time, he added that marriage should not be the main focus of a Christian’s life but maintaining faith and holiness should be. “Marriage is a blessing but it must be received from God within the timing that He has appointed it to be. It is something that you expect but it cannot be the sole purpose why you are in church,” he emphasised. “We Christians must put ourselves under subjection and control, controlling our hormones because timing is key. At the time that God has ordained, certainly it will come to pass. In the event that you don’t get married, what is important is that you maintain your soul.”

Moreover, Overseer David Thomas for the Mount Olivet Apostolic churches explained jokingly that some Christians had become restless and impatient for matrimony because “some of we can’t wait and get too hot.”

On a more serious note though, he agreed that the world has changed which explained why some Christians has become restive but maintained that the Christian doctrine would remain the same nevertheless. “We have a changed world and an unchanged gospel …. We are aware that the world has changed but the gospel will never change,” he concluded.




Shootout Behind Miami Gardens Nightclub Caught On Video

Man Fatally Shot Outside Club


POSTED: Thursday, May 12, 2011
UPDATED: 1:34 pm EDT May 12, 2011


MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. — Police are searching for the people who were caught on tape participating in a shootout behind a Miami Gardens nightclub that resulted in a man’s death. 

Miami Gardens police said the shooting occurred at about 4 a.m. Wednesday outside the Breezes Lounge at 230 NW 183rd St.

Watch: Video


Surveillance video showed two men running through the parking lot, shooting at each other, before a third man ran up and began firing. Police said one of the men was shot and killed.

Miami Gardens police said there had been a fight inside the club earlier in the night, and that led to the shooting.

One of the men was filmed by a security camera at the club’s back door. He is bald and has a beard.

Police have not released the identity of the man who was killed.

The search for the other two men continues.

Met, this man dead and is such a damn shame..everybody glad seh him dead..all him do a go round and rob single mothers…Him tell u bout a link, u gi him ur money and him dissapear..however Him dead and I have not heard one person say anything good about this guy…Smady muss can seh something good..


Hello Met

I have so many Oliver moments but I will give you the first two that come to my mind.

1. The episode when Oliver was going to take the airplane to Foreign. I loved how he went to the airport dressed in the scarf and I still die laughing at him and his home made lunch for the plane.

2. When he went to the drive in Movie Theater on a date with

Faye-Titled Jive Inn. It was hilarious how he was classing up the girl for begging for jerk chicken.
Two of my favorite Oliver sayings are: “Regula, Very Regula” & “Yuh waa chewing gum, oh yes mi figot yuh nuh mek mistake wid food” & “But you likkle an biggish”
*Favorite Movie: One Stop.

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