This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


Kay seh fi tell unno seh she and Siran is SIANARA  suh unno fi leave har phone alone. HE IS NOW WITH











‘You’d be cuter with a bigger butt’



IT is often said that men are visual beings and it is this infatuation with the outward appearance that has led some to make some rather offensive requests of the women in their lives.

The requests, while seemingly reasonable on the part of the males, have left some women scarred or have forced others to spend thousands of dollars trying to fit an image that they are probably not too eager to fit.


Many women go under the knife to please their mates. In this photo, a woman in Colombia — one of the leading countries worldwide for plastic surgery — gets prepped for cosmetic surgery. (Photo: AP)



Twenty-six-year-old Myzanne Wallace has still not got over a move by her ex-boyfriend to fatten her up while they were dating back in high school. Both of them had grown up together, but he migrated when she was 11 years old. The two reconnected online and after months of rebuilding their relationship, he decided to pay her a visit.

“When he came back, he was saying I didn’t change because I was slim. He said I needed to put on weight,” she said.

She said she didn’t take his proddings seriously until he brought her a bottle of pills on his next visit which he asked her to take so she could gain some weight.

“First when he was talking about it, I thought he was joking, but when he brought the pills, that’s when I got upset and I asked him why he wanted me to change,” said a still upset Wallace, whose relationship with the young man came to a quick end.

“It’s like they don’t appreciate you for who you are or how you look and that just makes you more conscious,” she argued.

Donnette Blair remembers the put down from the man she had a crush on in college, who when approached with the confession of her crush, gave her a once over then declared, “you’d be cuter with a bigger butt”.

“And like a fool, I started researching ways to get my buttocks bigger so I could please him,” she said.

She said she tried everything from exercise to detachable buttocks enhancers bought off the Internet, but she never seemed to be able to please him.

“Then one day something inside me snapped, and I realised how idiotic my actions had been,” she said.

Counselling psychologist Lola Allen-Jones said some men have even threatened to leave their spouses if they refuse to change, like to go back to the more modelesque image of their pre-pregnancy days or fit the image of the poster on their office walls.

“They (men) will say ‘look at so and so’ or somebody else they know. It might be a mutual friend, someone in the family, or maybe they’ll be driving along the road and see another woman,” said the psychologist, who cautioned men to be more considerate of their spouse’s feelings.

“In order to help someone make changes, you first have to affirm them. It is always best to start with affirmation, because by nature, especially with things like that, women tend to be very sensitive,” she said.

“Find a nice way of saying ‘I love the way you have looked over the years and I know you have had the kids, but do you think it would help if you did some exercise especially now that you are getting on in age’. Find a way, but start with affirmation, don’t just attack,” said Allen-Jones.

She agreed that there are some things that are in a person’s best interest which their spouse might choose to point out, but believes that one partner ought to be tactful in pointing out the flaws of another.

She said many relationships have ended because the couples are unable to accept how each other looks.

Meanwhile, plastic surgeon Dr Kemel Gajraj said women have been spending lots of cash to improve themselves to suit their partner’s physical tastes.

“They make liposuction requests because they do want to look good for their spouses. We have people who want to have their breasts lifted as opposed to [having them] hanging down; some of them have small breasts and they want to have big breasts; and some breasts are too big and they want it small,” he said.

He said most of the women are encouraged by their spouses to make the alterations, while some do it because they fear losing their men to other women.

“The men might be hinting at other women and how beautiful they look and the spouses want to look like those women,” Gajraj said.




Schwarzenegger puts acting career on hold

LOS ANGELES, USA (AP) — With everyone talking about former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s out-of-wedlock child, the politician abruptly put his Hollywood comeback on hold to sort out his personal life and perhaps prepare for a starring role in a big-budget divorce battle.

The former Terminator star, who earlier this week acknowledged fathering a child with his family’s longtime housekeeper, told his talent agency Thursday to postpone all his movie projects.

“Governor Schwarzenegger is focusing on personal matters and is not willing to commit to any production schedules or timelines,” a statement from his office said.

When Schwarzenegger and his wife, Maria Shriver, separated earlier this month, neither was talking divorce. That may have changed, however, after he revealed Monday that he fathered a now 13-year-old son with the family housekeeper and never told his wife until this year.

People magazine reported this week that Shriver has retained prominent Los Angeles divorce attorney Laura Wasser. If the Kennedy heiress — a niece of President John F Kennedy — and former network TV anchor goes ahead with a divorce, several prominent attorneys say, she is likely to cash in big.

“It seems to me that he has gratuitously embarrassed her. This should greatly enhance settlement negotiations,” said Atlanta attorney John Mayoue, who has represented Chris Rock in a paternity suit, baseball star David Justice in his split with actress Halle Berry, and other celebrities.

Although California is a no-fault divorce state, meaning her husband’s actions technically can’t be used against him in court, the reality, attorneys say, is that they will be.

“Every judge would know about what happened, and I think would hold it against him,” said attorney Robert Nachshin, who has represented the ex-wives of a who’s who of entertainers that includes Will Smith, Rod Stewart and John Ritter. “Judges are human beings, and Maria will definitely be the sympathetic spouse.”

Based on his experience, Nachshin said, Shriver should expect to receive at least US$100,000 a month in spousal support and, with two children under the age of 18, thousands more a month in child support.

Then there’s the division of the couple’s property, including the Brentwood mansion that Shriver and her children moved from earlier this year.

Nachshin said that could be affected by a prenuptial agreement, if the couple signed one when they were married in 1986. Many such agreements call for people to keep what would otherwise be joint assets separate after marriage.

Although the scandal has gained worldwide attention, the attorneys said the most surprising thing about it is that the public found out.

“In my experience what Arnold did is not unusual,” said Nachshin, who has represented several clients he said hid the existence of children from their wives and others. Mayoue said separately that it’s not surprising for celebrities to have such secrets the public never knows of.

In retaining Wasser, Shriver is turning to an attorney whose specialty is keeping details of celebrity splits secret, and Nachshin said that’s what Schwarzenegger should strive to achieve. He suggested that if the former governor is smart, he would seek to have divorce proceedings handled privately by a retired family law judge, keep his mouth shut in public and tell the truth in court.

“Because courts go crazy if people lie,” he said.

Celebrity divorces have become a specialty of retired judges because they can be conducted in private, although the final resolution must, like any other divorce, be made public.

In the past, celebrities and the wealthy have gone to great lengths to keep the details of their divorces private, with mixed results.

Billionaire supermarket mogul Ron Burkle tried unsuccessfully to keep secret 1,200 pages of his divorce transcript, including allegations that he told his daughter he had videotapes of her mother having sex with a boyfriend.

In allowing the documents to be unsealed, the California Supreme Court struck down a law that would have kept

them from the public. Ironically, the law was signed by Schwarzenegger.

If there is one area where the former governor may prevail, attorneys and other experts say, it would be in getting out of paying a substantial sum to either the 13-year-old boy or his mother.

The woman, who has been identified as Mildred Patricia Baena of Bakersfield by The New York Times and other media, has vanished since her name became public Wednesday. The Associated Press has not independently verified that she is the mother of Schwarzenegger’s child.

Schwarzenegger’s office has declined to discuss whether Baena is the boy’s mother.

On her son’s birth certificate, Baena listed her ex-husband as the boy’s father and there’s no evidence that has ever been contested.

The time limit for her ex-husband to challenge paternity has long since passed, so it could never be legally established that Schwarzenegger is the father, said Michael McCormick, executive director of the American Coalition for Fathers & Children.

McCormick previously assisted a man who tried unsuccessfully to get the courts to halt his child support payments to his ex-wife after DNA tests showed the woman’s daughter actually was fathered by comedian Sam Kinison.

“From a legal perspective, Arnold Schwarzenegger had nothing to do with the creation of this child,” McCormick 




US revokes Government minister’s visa?




A report that the United States Embassy here revoked the visitor’s visas of a Government minister and his wife on Friday remained shrouded in mystery up to late yesterday evening, even as a highly placed authoritative Jamaican source insisted that the action was taken.

The Sunday Observer made repeated attempts to contact the minister for a comment. However, calls to his cellphone went to voicemail and he did not respond to a message left.




Efforts to get a comment from US Embassy officials in Kingston also proved unsuccessful and no one was available at the US State Department to speak on the issue.

The highly placed source did not say whether the US authorities informed the Jamaican Government of the action. However, the source has received information that a news release on the matter has been crafted by the United States State Department for release this week.

The source also confirmed to the Sunday Observer that the minister is under investigation by local law enforcement authorities, but declined to give details.

Last year February, the US cancelled the visitor’s visa issued to Wayne Chen, chairman of the state-run Urban Development Corporation.

At the time, Chen, who found out about the measure on his way out of the island on a business trip, expressed shock and surprise at the action.

Chen was eventually reissued with a visa six months later.


GOODMORNING-A Good Name is to Be Chosen Over Great Riches

Once you become saved and born again in the Lord, that is just the beginning. From there, God wants you to grow in His knowledge and grace, along with setting you up in what your divine destiny is going to be in Him. And when God sets you up in your divine destiny, then you will find out exactly what you were created for and exactly what He will be wanting you to do for Him in this life.
Once you come into this full surrender with the Lord, He will then let you know who you should be marrying in this life, along which jobs you will be taking and exactly what your calling is going to be in Him.
Again, we cannot emphasize this theme strong enough. If you want to find out exactly what your true purpose and destiny is going to be in this life, then you have to be willing to fully surrender your entire life and your entire being into the hands of God the Father. Since God is all-knowing and all-powerful, only He will know exactly what you should be doing with your life, along with exactly how to get you to where you will need to go.
In this article, I want to add one more profound verse into this mix. Here is this most profound verse, and then I will point out a few, key things for all of us to really grab ahold of from this very powerful verse.
“A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold.” (Proverbs 22:1)
1. When you really think about the big picture, this earthly life is very, very short. Sooner or later we will all die and cross over to the other side – which will either be heaven for the saved or hell for the unsaved.
As we have said before, no suitcases will need to be packed on your deathbed. Absolutely nothing will be crossing over with you to the other side once you die and cross over. Naked you came into this world and naked will you go out of this world. Plain and simple.
All of the money you have made and saved up in this life will not be crossing over with you. All of the material wealth you have acquired such as your house, your car, and your clothes will not be going with you. The only thing that will be going over to the other side is your soul and spirit once it pulls up out of your earthly body.
From there, if you are a Christian, you will then enter into heaven and you will then come before Jesus at His Judgment Seat where He will then do a full review of your life. The Bible says that Jesus will then be rewarding us up in heaven according to the good works we had done for Him while down here on this earth.
2. So knowing that this is how it will all end up for us as Christians, we all need to do an occasional review of our life from time to time so we can make sure that we are always staying on the right path with God and not straying off into areas that He would not want us to be going into in this life.
We also need to make sure that we always keep all of our priorities straight so we can stay on top of our game with the Lord and not miss out on any of the good blessings He will want to pass our way in this life.
My brother Chris and I live in the United States. God has blessed our country with incredible wealth and riches over the years. However, with all of these kinds of material blessings from the Lord, it becomes very easy for many to get off center with the Lord and start focusing and chasing after all the wrong things in this life.
And this is where the above verse is now going to come into major play. With our country having so much material wealth to play with and go after, many people end up spending the rest of their earthly lives chasing after all of this material wealth and trying to acquire as much of it as they can before they die and cross over.
However, sooner or later all of these people will eventually die and once again, absolutely nothing they have acquired and earned in this life will be going with them to the other side. And this will now bring us right into the real heart of the above verse.
3. Notice this verse is telling us that it is better to live for having a good name in this life rather than to chase after all of the material wealth of this world.
Why? Because when someone dies and all of their friends and family are attending their funeral service paying their last respects, what is the number one thing most people will remember about the one who has just passed away? The number one thing they will remember and take away with them is what kind of person they were and how well they had treated other people in this life.
They will not remember all of the riches and wealth they may have accumulated. They will only remember what kind of person they were and how well they had treated other people in this life.
If that person ends up dying with a good name, then people will have good, loving, and fond memories of that person and those memories will last forever. If that person was a mean, spiteful, and selfish person who cared about no one else but themselves, then people will walk away with negative memories and they will be glad this person will no longer be living among them.
How many times have you seen this at a funeral service when friends and family would get up to speak about the one who has just passed away, how they will always talk about what kind of person they were. This is always the first thing most people will talk about when they are talking about someone who has just passed away. They will always talk about the quality of their loved one’s personality, not how much money they had made or how many material blessings they had accumulated in this life.
This is why the Lord worded the above verse the way He did. He is trying to show all of us what is most important in this life. And what is most important in this life is that we try and become the best person we can in Him through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.
If we can let God mold and shape us into the true saints He wants us to become in Him in this life, then we will be able to leave this life having a good name, just like the above verse is telling us to do. And if we can leave this life having a good name and a good reputation, then all of our loved ones will end up having good, loving, and fond memories of us.
This is how God wants us to leave this world, with us fully accomplishing all of His perfect will for our lives, and then with all of our loved ones really cherishing and loving us for the kind, good, and righteous people we were in this life.

As you can see from the way the above verse is being worded by the Lord, the only thing people will remember about you when everything is all finally said and done is what kind of person you were in this life. And yet so many people live this life for just the exact opposite. They live for all of the material wealth they can accumulate in this life instead of living for what God’s purpose was for their lives, along with what God was wanting to do with the transformation of their minds and their souls.
As we have showed you in our article titled, “Sanctification,” the number one thing God wants to do with each one of us is to transform us into the express image of His Son Jesus Christ. He wants to consecrate and set us apart unto Himself. He wants to make us more holy like Himself.
Bottom line – God is the Potter and we are the clay. If we can let God do the kind of transformation work He wants to do with each one of us, then we can leave this world having a very good name just like the above verse is telling us to do.
And if we can leave this world having a very good name, then we can have the satisfaction and fulfillment that we did everything God had asked us to do for Him in this life, along with leaving very fond and loving memories into the hearts of all of the people we had truly loved down here.
Though the above verse is a very short one-liner, there is an incredible piece of revelation contained in it showing us what we should all be striving for and what is really most important in this life.
Remember – when it is all said and done and you get ready to leave this world for the next one, no one will care about how much money you have made or how many earthy possessions you had accumulated. All they will remember is what kind of person in the Lord you had become and how well you had treated other people in this life.
Become the sanctified saint that God is asking you to become in Him, and you will then leave this world with a good name and good reputation – and people will then love you, cherish you, and always remember you for all of eternity.



MILLION DOLLAR CHICK:Hello I’m (Edited out), the model you’re currently using on your site for the (Edited)party. I would like for my photo to be removed ASAP and if you have any contact information for the person holding the event I would like that as well. Please do so ASAP. Thank you very much.

Thank You,

$1 METTY:   Hi, if you notice the picture is used as a flyer for an event and I am not using it on my site. The person paid for advertising space and I don’t know who the person is. The contact details should be on the flyer.

Thank You,



MILLION DOLLAR CHICK: Thank you but I need you to remove my photo and my photographers photo period from the site weather it is paid for or not by the person. I don’t want my image being associated with a site or event like that. I’m not bashing Jamaicans because I am one however I’d like to continue to portray a high end classy image. Several people have brought your site to my attention using my pictures. I’m also aware that on your site you have stated that if a person sees there image on your site and would like it removed you will do so. I would like to see you hold true to your word. It’s bad enough that people are making a profit off of my beauty without my consent and my own people are promoting it. Also the flyer leave no contact information other than the venue. I am perfectly capable of handling this matter legally with both your site and this venue. You should not be upholding copyrighten material on your site even if it’s for a profit. Please remove my photo and don’t place it there again without my or (Edited out) authorization. Thank you very much.



$1 METTY:  I cannot remove it as it does not belong to me. I already advised you on what to do, besides even if you are on a picture it does not mean it is your property. The picture rightly belongs to the photographer or company that took it and not yours. Your picture was not used in a post by me, I know what my disclaimer states. It states that if someone is uncomfortable with any article that is posted they have the right to ask for its removal. It is trivial ,baseless and useless for us to go back and fourth about nothing. Please have a good day and best of luck with your high class image.


MILLION DOLLAR CHICK:  Darling that image belongs to me I paid for it now if you want to get sued because you prefer to be ignorant than that’s your problem I have the screen shots to your site and I can gladly get my lawyer in contact with you. Learn how to conduct business on your tacky low budget website! You’re lawfully suppose to make sure that all the images and advertisements on your site are okay to be used. You are advertising my likeness on your crappy site and defaming my character as well as my photographer. To be honest I don’t even know why your site is in existence you make your own Jamaican people look bad. Take my image off the site immediately! I’m not going to tell you again. Also try using a professional email address as your contact information next time…after all everything on your site doesn’t have to be low budget.


$1 METTY:  Before you try to insult someone go learn some grammar and catch up on your spelling. Apparently you did poorly in school or didn’t spend the time to ingest what was needed to be digested for you to even explain yourself as a woman. You are an insult to yourself. You have the effrontery to even try to insult someone when you are what an insult looks like. Do I have your time? No . Have a wonderful night and if you continue to insult yourself be prepared to listen to echoes because as I stated before I do not have your kind of time. Do pick up a book while maintaining that high-class image. Image is nothing, education is everything. Get started today.


MILLION DOLLAR CHICK: LOL are you kidding me? Maybe you don’t know how to read correctly. I’ve insulted myself by telling you what a disgusting human you are for posting my work on your sight against my will defaming my character? LOL oh I’m sorry I’m insulting myself because I called you out on your disgusting pasa pasa website. Your site has 0% once of class and we both know that, well maybe you don’t since apparently you have judging by your “professional email address” LOL. Girl you’re a joke if I to make one video bad mouthing your site it would be over for you. If you’re unsure of who I am…since I’m the most important person ever featured on your trash box website google me and find out. So I hope you’re going to be at this trash box (Edited) event so I can see you there when I got to collect my money…maybe we can have a face to face? Who knows maybe I’ll teach you how to be high class as well lol. Oh…and apparently you do have the time look at the crap you post on your site. How about you stop bleaching your skin and wearing multicolored wigs, visiting the dancehall and having the camera man shoot up your smelly legs? Maybe then you can use the extra time to post about your country in a positive way. Have a lovely day bleach queen.  REMOVE MY PHOTO!



A)  $50.00

B) $200.00

C) $100.00

D) You can’t believe it.

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****RULES**** 1. Debates and rebuttals are allowed but disrespectful curse-outs will prompt immediate BAN 2. Children are never to be discussed in a negative way 3. Personal information  eg. workplace, status, home address are never to be posted in comments. 4. All are welcome but please exercise discretion when posting your comments , do not say anything about someone you wouldnt like to be said about  you. 5. Do not deliberately LIE on someone here or send in any information based on your own personal vendetta. 6. If your picture was taken from a prio site eg. fimiyaad etc and posted on JMG, you cannot request its removal. 7. If you dont like this forum, please do not whine and wear us out, do yourself the favor of closing the screen- Thanks! . To send in a story send your email to :- [email protected]