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Mark of the Beast – A Popular Topic
The Mark of the Beast is a popular topic these days. It seems everyone’s heard of 666, the Antichrist, Armageddon, and other “end times” terms. However, many people bundle these concepts together in a big basket of Urban Folklore, right along side Nostradamus, UFO’s and a myriad of “conspiracy theories.”

Mark of the Beast – Where the Term Comes From
The Mark of the Beast actually comes from the Bible. Its context is a future period when the charismatic leader of a new international government system implements a program for controlling people through economics and registration. We learn that all people will be required to receive a “mark” on the right hand or forehead in order to participate in basic transactions of life. Whether this mark refers to a bank-like numeric code, a social security-like numeric code, or a genetic-based identifier, who knows? Whether this mark is affixed via tattoo, barcode or imbedded chip of some sort, who knows? However, with modern technology and recent calls for worldwide “registration” in light of the terrorist threat, this Biblical prediction looks more and more credible every day, even to the greatest of skeptics.

Mark of the Beast – The Biblical Reference
The Mark of the Beast comes from the last book of the Bible, Revelation. It’s referred to in a number of places, but the major passage of description is Revelation 13:16-18:

“He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.”
Revelation 14:9 goes on to say, that no matter how much pressure there is to receive the mark, we must, under no circumstances, receive it: “If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath.”
Mark of the Beast – Recent News of Intrigue
The Mark of the Beast is a technological reality. On December 19, 2001, VeriChip first announced its miniaturized, implantable, radio frequency identification device (RFID) that can be used in a variety of security, emergency and healthcare applications. On October 12, 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved VeriChip’s personal verification device for medical information purposes, enabling the company to begin sales, marketing and distribution of VeriChip in the United States. About the size of a grain of rice, each VeriChip is composed of FDA-accepted materials and contains a unique verification number. That number can “seamlessly integrate” into the Global VeriChip Subscriber (GVS) Registry, and can be used for numerous purposes now and in the future.

and a wonderful good evening..TO YOU TOO


Political violence, sexual abuse and pedophilia are what have plagued Jamaica for years,mainly because we are not one voice. These victims often suffer in silence because they feel there is no one who will listen and they have no support. Violence breeds violence, sexual abuse creates dysfunction and pedophilia is a plague upon our nation. Recently , there has been an increase in missing and exploited children. What have you done for them lately?

             Cecile, when I tried to find your Twitter page, I remember coming upon unfound many times as I was searching for ‘’TheSeal’’ and of course your page did not surface. A seal is fed a fish and then made a spectacle in a circus. It waves its fin-like arms and climbs upon a ball, all for the entertainment of the circus patrons; it is a thoroughly entertaining mammal one that would not survive in a regular home. Art always seems to imitate life pretty well.

              Who are Weezy and Jlo? Do they know you or know of your existence? Are you or Sean Paul looking for the support of the American public? It is laughable how Jamaican entertainers model themselves after American entertainers when their behaviors and attitudes are modeled after their very own culture and they make no reference of emulating us, even if they are. They stand proud in their own skin, being Americans. So again, who is Weezy and just how much does the Jamaican public look up to him or Jlo? Or are you speaking of the promoters who pay Jamaican entertainers less than the international ones? If this is the case, you do not need the public’s support as you are looking to support your cause. A cause that will not benefit the public, I am sure. And just why should you be paid more again, to hold more American artists in high esteem? We do not pay for lack of self-esteem, and watered down leadership. Stand tall in who you are as Jamaican entertainers, then you can command your own price and we will support you, because then you will be a confident JAMAICAN musician and our children will find priceless values within you, or we will learn something from you.

               As entertainer, you are in position to lead and influence, the Jamaican public,  and if you need their support,we need more than your watered down superficial Americanized ideals. We need strong, driven, knowledge filled leaders to represent our country and since you are asking for our support, these are our prerequisites. Feel free to check off your qualifications and years of experience.    

       The waggonist mentality spreads like H.I.V consumes like A.I.D.S and makes you look like a clown in parliament.

         When the Lisa Hype pictures were released, of course many gossip columns including JMG, ran with the story, but where were you and the other ladies to defend this cause? Was the cause of respect and sisterhood too big of a cause for you to support or wasn’t she your artist?  If monetary support is the only cause you seek you do not need the public’s support for that and frankly it would be fitting to step down from our stage since being paid is the only way, that your cause will be met. By the way, in return for our support, what is it that you will give us in return? Your music that we will pay to listen… performances?  I am rather dull at math, but zeros were always easy to calculate and in this case, 0 + 0 =0. So for that we don’t need you and you most certainly don’t need us. We have supported everyone in our own way for years only to get back rags to riches entertainers with more attitude than the city of Pompey itself. While you check off your qualifications, please document and emulate the spirit of charity that the American Entertainers you admire have.

          In closing, I most certainly mean no disrespect but names often imitate attitudes and to my surprise. I ran into this little bit:-

Origin of the name Cecile:

French feminine form of Cecil, which is derived from Caecilius, an old Roman family name, which has its root in the Latin caecus (blind, dim-sighted). The name was borne by a 3rd-century Christian who founded a church in the Trastevere section of Rome. During the 6th century, a story of her life was written and she was henceforth venerated as a martyr. She is regarded as the patron saint of musicians.




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