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Everybody si di story …unno si di humility…a was to put it up whey day but it slip mi but Specialist get a nomination :- ext # 1 Specialist to 876- 284-9900 to cast your YVA award vote for Best new artist. If is even a phone card…a time wi si one a wi ghetto youths dem whey positive reach sumwhey… I a run wid Specialist from facebook to twitter because di oda artist *no comment*!/profile.php?id=100003360037438




Crown: Kartel participated in friend’s murder
BY PAUL HENRY Crime/Court Desk co-ordinator [email protected]
Monday, January 16, 2012

ENTERTAINER Vybz Kartel allegedly participated in the beating death of his friend Clive ‘Lizard’ Williams, who, according to the prosecution, was murdered over the disappearance of two guns.
The revelation was made in the Home Circuit Court last week where Calvin Hay, one of the men charged along with the entertainer, was offered $1 million bail.
According to the prosecution, Williams was a part of a gang in Waterford St Catherine that was headed by Kartel.
In August, the prosecution told the court, Williams and another man were entrusted with the care of two guns by Kartel. But when it mid August the guns were discovered missing, the men were summoned to meet Kartel at his Havendale, St Andrew, home to give an account of the guns.
Kartel, according to the prosecution, was “angry” about the disappearance of the weapons.
On August 16, Williams and the other man — who is now the prosecution’s main witness — were picked up in a taxi, reportedly by entertainer Shawn ‘Shawn Storm’ Campbell, and taken to the Havendale home where Kartel and other men were waiting on them.
While en route to the house, the court was told, Williams started sending text messages to a person, expressing fears that he was going to be killed and urging the receiver of the messages to call the police.
At the home, Williams and the other man were taken into the room where Kartel, Andre St John, and Kahira Jones were waiting. According to the prosecution’s case, Williams was beaten to death by the men who were armed with blocks and pick axe sticks.
After witnessing what went down, the other man who was brought to the premises, dashed from the house in an attempt to save his own life. Kartel, the prosecutor said, called out to him, saying that it was Williams whom they wanted.
During the melee, Kartel was bitten by his own dog and had to seek medical treatment.
The prosecution said it was in possession of the hospital bill and record of the treatment.
Charged along with Kartel, Hay, Campbell, Jones and St John is Shane Williams.
The prosecution said it has voice recordings of Kartel and a person it believes to be Hay planning Williams’ murder. However, the prosecution did not oppose bail for Hay, who is represented by Chris Tavares-Finson, because it has not confirmed that the voice on the recording was Hay’s.
The recording is being analysed.
The accused are to next appear in court on February 17.
Meanwhile, on Wednesday, two men who have been charged along with Kartel for the murder of labourer Barrington ‘Bossie’ Bryan last year were denied bail in the Gun Court Division of the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate’s Court.
The men, Nigel Thompson and Lenburgh McDonald, along with Kartel, will next appear in court on February 3 when a preliminary enquiry into Bryan’s murder is scheduled to begin.
Bryan was shot and killed along a street in Gregory Park St Catherine in July.
Also Kartel, whose real name is Adidja Palmer, and fellow Portmore Empire member Vanessa ‘Gaza Slim’ Saddler, are to appear in court on February 1 on charges of conspiracy and attempting to pervert the course of justice.
The charges stem from allegations that Vybz Kartel sent texts to Saddler, leading to her reporting to the police that she had been robbed by Clive ‘Lizard’ Williams, who had in fact been murdered before the reported robbery occurred. The prosecution is contending that the report was made in order to give the impression that Williams was not dead.
On a separate matter, Kartel is to return to the Resident Magistrate’s Court on February 13 when he will be tried on a ganja possession charge.

Read more:–Kartel-participated-in-friend-s-murder#ixzz1jdk61HX8




Calvin Moonie Hanes, designer/road manager extraordinaire to Gaza was released on bail this weekend. Moonie  was allegedly locked up because of his affiliation with Adija Vybz Kartel Palmer . It is alleged that Moonie was the key to unraveling the case against Kartel as he was second in command and helped in a lot of decisions Kartel made. The JCF saw Mr. Hanes as a good source of information for them as it is alleged that Mr. Hanes had promised to lead the police to a phone that had some recordings and give the police details on Kartel and testify against him. At first he was allegedly released in order to give the police leads to further support the evidence they had but the evidence was not surrendered and he was remanded. It is said that  when Mr. Hanes was released he got in contact with Kartel who made arrangements for a lawyer to assist Mr. Hanes and since then, the police has not be able to coax Hanes in giving the information needed. It is further alleged that Hanes is the ONLY member of the Gaza entourage with his hands clean.

        Notnice, a former member of the Gaza and Corey Todd Productions was recently on Entertainment Report, Notnice spoke of his recent split from Todd, citing no ill between the two. However word on the street is that, things did not work out because, Todd had stopped footing all bills which led to Notnice being evicted from the premises and has also returned to Portmore. Aidonia who was recently with Todd has also distanced himself as he should have been working alongside Notnice but it is said that Aidionia may have not wanted to be associated with Gaza, even though Notnice was no longer a member. He wanted to push ‘’The JOP’’. Aidonia never publicly mentioned his association with Todd, or mentioned that it was Todd’s production that produced. Jahvinci and others were also a part of the label, Aidonia expected to fit into the group and visa versa. It did not happen as Aidonia at no time mentioned his association with the production and would not work with Notnice. From the interview on ER; Notnice seems to be sending subliminal messages to Popcaan hinting at wanting to work with him as Popcaan is now the flavor of the day media wise. The only trouble is that Popcaan himself wants no direct association with Gaza, and is allegedly putting on a front as he has not communicated with Kartel since he has been remanded. Popcaan is now the star the media seemingly wants to push because of his Gaza association which would secure Kartel’s place in the business, as it is alleged that the new change in government may seek a favorable outcome for Palmer. Many victims are said to be now worried as their protection is not guaranteed. Palmer who was said to be a charitable giver, even more than his other dancehall rivals was said to  have provided many communities with back to school provisions and donated frequently without being asked. Many of these communities now miss him and are said to be among many Jamaicans who feel pity for the entertainer and are pushing for his release. In the meanwhile, many people who have allegedly been hurt by Kartel, including a famous publicist who said to have been beaten by him, are worried and want him to remain incarcerated.

      Popcaan is said to be enjoying the limelight and has taken over many attitudes from his teacher as he is said to be turning up late for interviews and recently missed a flight for a show in the Caribbean. Popcaan was rebooked on a flight by the promoter and came off the plane as it is alleged that Black Rhino was on the flight but was booked for first class while Popcaan was booked to be seated in coach. Todd is said to be pursing other avenues of business and has is rumored to have been out of the music business for the past three months.


Jamaica’s  BEST sliced bread

While doing my usual hunt for celebrity tweets, I ran into this young lady again, after being captivated and reminded of her voice while she performed at sting.  She had tweeted about children and how articulate they sounded..So of course I clicked the link, and not only did I hear one of the best voices in the business. I looked at the top of her page and she was THE ONLY Jamaican singer to have a charity based foundation on her page…PEOPLE SUPPORT HAR 1000%.. Her music is good, well written, voice Sell of..and she say ONE CHILD AT A TIME..BIG UP CHERENE ANDERSON STRAIGHT.

Now this fool from left side…Sean Paul big fren..lef comment bout rev out…WI SEH BAN DEM STR8 TILL DEM GO LEARN MANNAZ


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