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Charitable Giving – The Heart of Giving
When it comes to charitable giving, Americans are the most generous people in the world. Even in a difficult economic year like 2002, charitable giving still rose .5% to $241 billion. In fact, charitable giving was 2.3% of the U.S. GNP, exceeding 2% for the first time since 1971. Remarkably, this increase came after the greatest two-year equity market decline in U.S. history.

Citizens of all income levels respond quickly and generously when they’re convinced of a true need. Initially, donors respond from their heart because of a desire to help others in need. This emotional response can generate a widespread outpouring of small gifts, like it did following the 9/11 tragedy. Over $1 billion was given by private individuals within one week of the terrorist attacks. Only a month later, the outpouring of individual gifts dried to a trickle. For individuals to keep giving or to give at a larger level requires an intellectual connection to the emotional draw. In a nutshell, sustained giving requires confidence on the part of the donor.

Charitable Giving – The Mind of Giving
With respect to charitable giving, what does it take to give with confidence? How do we get past the skepticism that the money we give won’t have the impact we desire? Well, confidence requires verified information. In biblical terms, we call this accountability and stewardship on the part of the donee organization. Donors are often hesitant to ask questions and erase doubts for fear of coming across as prying – telling the organization how to lead or operate. These givers lack confidence, but they choose to give anyway for a variety of reasons.

If a gift is used to help fund a capital project, the donor can see some tangible results, and therefore has some confidence in the gift’s impact. However, gifts for general operations can be a whole different story. One of the largest gifts in U.S. history was $1 billion given by Walter Annenberg to improve education in the public schools. Sadly, a recent study conducted by the Annenberg Foundation stated that there’s been “no measurable impact on the quality of public education as a result of the $1 billion gift.”

What happened in this case? What was the measure of success? Was a desired impact determined before the gift was given? The key for larger donors is to invest some time and resources in carefully evaluating donee organizations, so they can increase their confidence and properly structure the gift. The donor should meet with the recipient organization before giving the gift to define the desired impact, reporting benchmarks, and measurements for “success.” Donors making sustained pledges or multi-year grants may want to make proper reporting a condition for continued funding.

Charitable Giving – The Joy of Giving
Charitable giving is a gift – physically, emotionally and spiritually. First and foremost, it’s a matter of the heart. The only motivation for giving should be the gracious gift itself. As Winston Churchill said, “You make a living by what you make, you make a life by what you give.” In the Bible, we learn that God loves a “cheerful giver” (II Corinthians 9:7). In fact, the Greek word used in that scripture is where we derive the word “hilarious.” Obviously, God wants us to enjoy the gift of giving!

As a wise steward of God’s resources, the only thing better than a cheerful and generous giver is being a confident, cheerful and generous giver. Being confident in your giving involves time, wisdom and discernment. Confidence in the gift’s impact is the key to experiencing the true joy of generosity.



Murders, Rape, Domestic violence, and the handling of illegal guns in the music industry of Jamaica has never stirred one iota of backbone in the Jamaican media, enough for them to take a stand enough to secure the morality of the youths. Every media house is too busy, asking for the next dollar to keep stories out the press and taking a stand, means that they will only go home with only their pay. Extortion adds up huh?

       Kartel’s songs are being played from station to station and from playground to playground with not a bit of concern at the message this is sending to the children. The beatings, the sexual exposure and almost pornographic lyrics did nothing but endorse his ‘’talent’’, with not one official saying enough this will affect the younger generation. Musicians sat by and watched him conquer the market with his superficial confidence and practically crippled other DJ’s into thinking he was the best and nothing they wrote or sang was good enough. The media did this, by buying into his sickness.

         When Lisa Hype was exposed, no channel or radio station came out and showed that they stood for something or even implied that they won’t take kindly to our young women being abused. The Jamaican Media took what he gave from the back and asked Kartel for more. He released more pictures of himself and other young women and kept giving it to them from the back and the mouth because that is what they asked for. Regardless of what he did, there were no repercussions because he was so full of talent, murder by hands, talent, schizophrenic symptoms, talent, and they asked for more. He gave murders and burials money laundering and drug smuggling. If the U.S government had not pulled the rope, the Jamaican media would still be asking for more. The F.B.I’s in Jamaica must be wondering if the whole country smoked what he gave.

        Specialist made a song calling out High School children, calling them’  gallists’  and that he himself is one. He called out schools by names, making scholars feel important and the Jamaican media has the nerve to want to make an issue about this song, while Kartel’s music still plays on the radio, leaving the citizens of Jamaica to doubt that he really committed murders. The media has known first- hand of Kartel’s violence, so if the citizens of Jamaica have doubt, there should be none in the media. Many Jamaican artists date and impregnate teenagers, all of this is unhidden knowledge, no artist has faced repercussions because of this, why Specialist? One media house had the nerve to say he sounds like a pedophile, what are the others? This young man who happens to be twenty-one sang about the teenagers who have supported him during his Magnum King and Queen competition .If his song is banned, the Jamaican media has to go back and ban Portia’s debate, Portia’s speech, after all buggery is anal sex and she changing the law is encouraging all citizens from old to young, the freedom to have as much anal sex as they want right? All this, while Jamaica doesn’t have a competent rape unit. But, it is about sex right?  Specialist singing about ”gallist” is encouraging school children to have sex, if so what is Portia encouraging then, xes?

Portia’s speech, has reached many a high school and class-room and many a term paper deciphering and emulating.In Specialist’s song there was no mention of sex, school children were shown, doing what they have always done. Playing around and having crushes, boys having more than one girl fuss over them and girls falling in love. This was ALWAYS high school. Specialist a poor DJ rising from the depths of poverty, seemingly rising to the top too fast has gotten your media undies in a bundle? Do the right thing!

Show OUR children that Jamaica stands for something and that the scales of justice have balanced, clean your air-ways and start a fresh, stop endorsing murderers! DON’T YOU DARE BAN SPECIALIST’S SONG!




This weeks blind item is a 32 year old actress and guess what– My Hollywood insider is reporting that our blind item is a straight up freak. Don’t believe me.. Ask Jamie Kennedy.

Here’s what my insider had to say about this weeks blind item:

“She can get a man but she can’t keep one. She’s cute, talented with money but she’s insecure.

Her goal in every relationship is to get the dude to put a ring on her finger. Most of her men do, until they find out how much of a nymphomaniac she is.

She smashes a lot dudes and she contracted herpes from a popular Reggae singer. Don’t believe me? Ask Joey Lawrence.

When she was dating Seth Green, we all took a trip to Vegas and went to a nightclub. I remember Seth wanted to punch her in the mouth because while in the club she was texting him the whole time. Seth ended up cussing her out and he took another chic back to his room to smash.

She’s a white girl with a black girls body and she thinks black chics are jealous of her. She tried dating black dudes, but all they do is hit from the back and keep it moving. Jacky, Don’t believe me? Ask Shaggy.

She messes with girls too, her first chic was her brothers girlfriend. She was a child star so she grew up fast. She likes to hook up with individuals on a regular, but her mother really wants her to settle down.”

Our blind item is from Waco, Texas. Can you guess who I’m talking about?


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