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Lisa-Hanna-OptimizedI know that all Jamaicans must be very disturbed by the recent killings and rapes of our young children. Many Jamaicans have been made aware media coverage has made it a duty to inform all Jamaicans of these brutal acts. However, I have yet to see a proper response from our female prime minister. It is very clear to me that Mrs. Miller has shunned the distress of our nation. She has made it clear by her actions that being the first female prime minister is more important than being a mother to our children. As Jamaicans we must call for action, we must shout loud enough in order to awaken our Prime Minister from her beauty sleep. There is nothing beautiful about the murder of children. We do not want to hear from Minister Hannah we want to hear from our female Prime Minister. We as a community cannot watch our children die because our Prime Minister refuse to watch over our children

Look out for children in your communities, Hanna urges nation

Thursday, May 30, 2013 | 4:23 PM

KINGSTON, Jamaica- Minister of Youth and Culture, Lisa Hanna has expressed outrage at the recent beheading of four-year-old Natasha Brown, in Duanvale, Trelawny and is urging members of communities and Jamaicans at large to take seriously their responsibility for the care and protection of children in their communities and the nation in general.

The minister said that the instances of children going missing or being the subject of violence often leading to death are too prevalent.


In condemning the latest brutal murder Hanna said that words of condemnation “cannot ease the pain and unspeakable grief the child’s parents are experiencing at this time.”

She said the recent decisions by Cabinet are timely and will lead to an improved collaboration between the Youth and Health ministries in tackling the problems facing children.

Expansion of community mental health and counselling services is urgently required as part of a concerted campaign to assist persons to deal with domestic conflicts, other interpersonal disagreements and psychological issues, Hanna said.

She added that too often children suffer as a result of the social and relationship problems among adults.

“It is sad that our youth and our children have to face such horrendous realities based on domestic tensions,” she said.

Read more:–Hanna-urges-nation#ixzz2UqBzZG3X


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