Monthly Archives: January 2012

This post is based on an email that was sent and in no way reflects the views and opinions of ''Met'' or To send in a story send your email to [email protected]


(WMC-TV) – A Memphis mother was arrested Sunday after police said she stole one of their squad cars.

Police have been looking for the woman after she allegedly helped her daughter escape from the custody of the state.

After a brief chase with officers, the stolen vehicle was located in the 3000 block of Macon.

The chase began after authorities received a suspicious person call in the area of Jackson and Trezevant. Officers were notified that two women, a mother and daughter, named in a City Watch issued on January 5 were walking in the area.

“I ain’t never seen nothing like this before,” said witness Leon Collins. “On TV, but not in person like I did just then.”

Investigators said the mother reportedly helped her daughter escape from DCS custody.

When officers got to the scene Sunday, the 12-year-old girl ran from officers. The girl’s mother then reportedly got into one of the officer’s car and drove off. The car was recovered a short time later.

“We seen her jump out with some bags in her hand, so we knew it wasn’t the police,” said witness LaKetra Paige. “We made a U-turn, came back, and she jumped out the car.”

Both the mother and daughter were in police custody Sunday night.

A Memphis police spokesperson said the investigation is ongoing.

Copyright 2012 WMC-TV. All rights reserved.






I really don’t want to laugh because its not good to laugh at people who are sick but I can imagine what ran through the thoughts and minds of the people watching the show and how Shaggy must have felt helpless and disappointed! I..Shaggy thank you for bringing the air of charity to Jamaica and to the entertainment industry. You did not fail us! … People Lauryn Hill had to be escorted off stage at Shaggy’s charity concert. From what I am hearing she was allotted 15 minutes to perform and she performed for over one hour singing only Bob Marley’s songs. Nothing has been released yet press-wise, explaining what happened but this is bad, not only for the Marleys but for her . We love Lauryn not only for her beauty but for her talent, did her obsession with Bob Marley and his legacy burdened her with this? Was it failing to ”capture” the man? As is known , Rohan Marley cheated on Lauryn with who was allegedly her cousin/hair-dresser , impregnated her and Lauryn has never been the same since..STAY TUNED!


you guys can watch all the videos in between..this is a woman transforming into a man

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