Monthly Archives: April 2012

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Wifie crashes spouse’s wedding – Sickly woman brings cops on groom

Crystal Harrison, Star Writer

A wedding reception in Lititz, St Elizabeth, recently, was nothing short of excitement and unexpected drama.

This, after it is alleged that the groom’s original wife showed up with an original marriage certificate indicating she is still married to the groom. When the police arrived the new wife reportedly collapsed.

THE WEEKEND STAR understands that sometime after 7 p.m., guests were left in shock and awe when a sickly looking woman walked up to the groom and said, ‘Do you remember me?’.

Recently, the first wife reportedly got word that her husband, whom she wed six years ago, was back on the island and planning another wedding.

It is reported that the first wife, who had been diagnosed with renal failure several years ago, and her husband, who is an American citizen, had not spoken in over three years.

According to an extremely reliable source who spoke to our news team yesterday: “Everybody was shocked and the groom couldn’t say a word when the first wife showed up. She couldn’t get to the wedding but by the time she got to the location, she was just in time for the reception. When she went to the reception, she went right over to the head table where the bride and the groom were sitting and said to the groom, ‘Do you remember me?’ The groom was speechless, he couldn’t respond at all to his first wife”.

The source further revealed: “It was a wedding of about 50 people and by the time the bride’s family realised what was happening, they started to curse the first wife. One of the bride’s aunt dragged the sickly first wife out of the reception, and it was after that she went straight to the police and reported the matter,” the source said.

Information reaching THE WEEKEND STAR is that when the police got to the reception and indicated that they will have to interrogate the groom further at the police station, the bride fainted.

It is reported that family members at the reception had to pour water on her to revive her.

THE WEEKEND STAR also understands that the drama didn’t stop there, as it is reported that the groom produced to the police, divorce documents indicating that his first wife had signed off on a divorce in the US.

However, according to the reliable source, the first wife claims that she has never been to the US and she has no knowledge of a divorce.

Checks made by our news team with the Junction police in the parish yesterday confirmed the incident.

However, the investigating officer who was reluctant to speak, said that he couldn’t say if the groom will be charged with bigamy.

The police said that they are still investigating the matter.





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