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Emotions/Character/Persona Kartel?

Kiss pussy jaw
No you shouldn’t have ! Politically Correct you say, how easily your feelings are evoked now that someone shit and you have stepped in it Teacher/ Eater?  The world is round, your time would have came around didn’t you know that or are you above that?

Last year you released not one but many photos of young women chumped down on your penis, and it was funny , it gave you strength? Your penis was on display for the world to see , and all was well huh? The belittling of women , the stomps on womanhood should have made you much of a man because with your penis in someone’s mouth you were the HERO, have you forgotten Kartel?

Often times your character is compared to that of the Devil, which is somewhat fitting, as you have stamped yourself ”DEVIL” also.  Manipulation, calculation and emasculation was what you served. Now that you have been served, you are being defamed, hated on, little does the mob know that ” The devil….the prowde spirite… cannot endure to be mocked”  says Thomas More. The laugh is on you and suddenly, the roller coaster has stopped because its on you and it is seriously serious …Are you really for real? Lisa Hype’s dignity was trampled on all in the name of ”controversy/media hype” poison was sprayed to satisfy your thirst and then, you were the GAZA DON, THE LAST ONE.  Now your’e being laughed on son.

Vindictive? was that a word you used? What are the names that we can attribute to your actions, the fake friendships formed to get a head and sudden enmity because again you are now the HERO. You got to where you thought was a high place but it exposed you son:- fake masculinity, self-hate, lesser being garbed in human form. Just what did this clip fail at? It showed you up for who you are a coward slime that dishes out what is considered inedible , and is also afraid of what  he has dished. Clown.

Malicious you say , I wonder what would Mr Liang call your actions, angelic? Black Rhino would say, generous?  Gaza Kim would say, gentleman? Where does malicious fit on on the deck of cards played on you at this time? I suggest you take a trip to a farm, stay there for a period of ninety days , do some planting, and see what the earth pushes up at harvest check to see what fruits came of the seeds you planted.

”The best  way to drive out the devil, if he will not yeild to texts of Scripture, is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn” …Luther

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